연체기록 overdue record

Hello ~ Today, I would like to post about deleting overdue records. There are times in life when you face financial difficulties. It’s fortunate if you pay it back well at this time.




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Overdue is usually divided into short-term overdue and long-term overdue. Short-term overdue is registered as short-term overdue if the amount under 100,000 won is overdue within 5 business days. And if you become over 90, you will be registered as a long-term delinquent. Even if it is a small amount, if a record of overdue is left, the record will follow for 3 to 5 years, and the credit rating may drop to 10 grades. 연체기록




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For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to the overdue record while searching for the overdue record deletion. Only when the overdue record is deleted, the disadvantages of financial transactions disappear. When will this overdue record deletion inquiry be done?




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In case of short-term overdue, records are kept for up to 3 years. And if there is a long-term overdue, the record will be kept for up to 5 years. What should I do if I want to delete this serial record?..??




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In order for the overdue record to be deleted, you must first pay off all debts. However, if you are not financially capable, you have no choice but to continue overdue. In this case, you should apply for a debt relief system to pay off your debt and use your strength to restore your credit.




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In addition, if you apply for personal rehabilitation or personal bankruptcy, you may be exempted from liability and the delinquency record on your credit information may be deleted, so do not neglect it, and it is good to recover from bad credit through this system.




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Then, I would like you to find out a lot so that you can delete the overdue record, and take action to restore your credit. So, I’ll end this post.