우체국보험 고객센터 Postal Insurance Customer Center

Postal insurance customer center phone number Hours of use and information on online certificate issuance

If you are using postal insurance, here is some very helpful information. This is information about the phone number and hours of use of the Postal Insurance Customer Center, and the issuance of various certificates that can be issued online.


If you access the Postal Insurance homepage, you can use a wide variety of services easily and conveniently without visiting the post office. First, search for Postal Insurance in the search window or access the Postal Insurance homepage through here.


1. Postal Insurance Customer Center Phone Number

If you search only by post office, the homepage of the post office that handles mail will appear first, so it is recommended to search by post office insurance. When you access the homepage, the customer center menu is located at the top. 우체국보험 고객센터


If you go to the Postal Insurance customer center page, you can see that there are internet reservation consultation, e-mail consultation, telephone reservation consultation, and customer center phone numbers under the search term. 좋은뉴스 


The postal insurance customer center phone number is 1599-0100, 042-336-6898. If you want to quickly connect to a counselor, press 0 to connect directly.

우체국보험 고객센터

2. Information on using postal insurance ARS

Postal Insurance ARS is a service that directly handles financial transactions by connecting to Postal Insurance by phone from home or office, and has the advantage of making financial transactions very simple without visiting the window.


The postal insurance ARS connection number is 1599-0100, the same as the customer center number, and it is available from 05:00 to 04:00 the next day. Counselor connection hours are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays.


In the case of contacting a counselor, we are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.


The postal insurance service is available 24 hours a day, and there may be restrictions on use during the system maintenance period of 5 minutes from midnight.


You can check the contact code and counseling hours for each task in detail here.


Major services available include refund loan, insurance premium payment, direct debit, certificate customer information change, surgery, hospitalization, indemnity insurance note, pension, insurance lapse revival, contract details, cancellation, maturity, dividend, dormant insurance payment, etc.


3. Postal insurance online certificate issuance

On the Postal Insurance website, you can easily obtain various certificates online. For more information on certificate issuance, please check here. Certificates that can be issued are introduced below.


Classification Service Name Certificate
Certificate issuance Statement of payment for income deduction Certificate of payment of insurance premium for income deduction
Statement of payment by use Certificate of insurance premium payment
Payment statement by currency Certificate of insurance premium payment
English Subscription Certificate Postal Insurance Subscription Certificate
Insurance management query base payment statement base payment statement
Change of contract details Insurance amount reduction Insurance amount reduction Statement of settlement
Subscription withdrawal Cancellation of subscription Statement of settlement
Cancellation of Special Contract Cancellation of Special Contract Statement of Settlement
Period Change Period Change Statement of Settlement
Pension change Pension type and starting age change settlement statement
Insurance premium payment service premium payment in advance premium payment payment statement
Insurance premium payment Real-time insurance premium payment payment statement
Power Accumulation Insurance/Online Savings Insurance Payment Statement for Additional Premium Payment
Payment statement for additional premium payment and pension savings insurance
Insurance premium payment service insurance payment claim insurance payment statement
Child insurance application Child insurance payment statement
Maturity Insurance Payment Statement of Maturity Insurance Payment
Pension Payment Pension Payment Start Payment Statement
Pension Payment Pension Payment Statement
Survival Insurance Payment Statement of Survival Insurance Payment
Dormant insurance payment Dormant insurance payment statement
Dividend Payment Dividend Payment Statement
Payment of cancellation fee Payment statement of cancellation refund
Loan Service Refund Loan Application Refund Loan Application Statement
Refund Loan Repayment Principal Repayment Statement
Refund Loan Repayment Interest Repayment Statement
Statement of Refund Loan Repayment Interest Partial Repayment
Auto Loan Repayment Auto Loan Principal Repayment Statement
Auto Loan Repayment Auto Loan Interest Repayment Statement