구글 위성지도 google satellite map

Real-time satellite map, how to view photos: Google, Naver, Daum Map

We will explain how to view real-time satellite maps and photos. Satellite maps can be found in real time through Google Earth Pro, Naver Map, and Daum Map. You can view it through a PC, or you can easily view it through a mobile application. So, we will now introduce the method in detail. 구글 위성지도

구글 위성지도

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1. How to view real-time satellite maps and photos in Google Earth 좋은뉴스 
Google satellite map real-time view
2. How to view real-time satellite maps and photos with Naver Map
View Naver satellite map for free (real-time)
3. How to view real-time satellite photos and maps on Daum Map (Kakao Map)
View the next satellite map in real time (high definition map)
4. How to download high-definition satellite maps
Download high-definition satellite map images to your computer through screen capture
Download high-definition satellite maps through the NAVER map save function
5. Summary of satellite map sites – places that people use a lot
6. Where to find free satellite maps
Free Google Satellite Map – Google Earth
High Definition Naver Satellite Map – Naver Map
Real-time Daum Satellite Map – Kakao Map
Free Satellite Map – Hogangnono
Free Satellite Map – Sky Map
7. How to view Google Map Road View
google map search
Enter the desired location in the search bar
Select Google Map Road View icon (Street View image search)
Select the place you want to see with road view
8. How to enlarge the satellite map
How to zoom in on Naver satellite map
9. How to view satellite maps and cadastral maps
Naver Map How to read cadastral map (satellite map)
How to read google map cadastral map (satellite map)
Daum Map How to read cadastral maps (satellite maps)
10. Conclusion
1. How to view real-time satellite maps and photos in Google Earth

Google satellite map real-time view
How to view satellite maps in Google Earth is very simple. You don’t need to manipulate anything else, just go to the Google Earth homepage and search for the area you want to see.

This is because Google Earth shows real-time satellite images as soon as it runs.

To access the Google Earth homepage, search for Google Earth on a portal site (Google, Naver, Daum, etc.) and a link to access the homepage will appear. You can enter through this link.

Then, select the magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner and search for the desired area, and the map will show the area.

For reference, you can search in Korean, not English.

2. How to view real-time satellite maps and photos with Naver Map

View Naver satellite map for free (real-time)
This time, we will introduce how to view satellite maps in real time through Naver Map.

Naver is a little different from Google Earth, but it is almost similar. For Koreans who are familiar with Naver, it seems to be more convenient than Google Earth.

As before, you can search Naver Map on your PC or use the mobile app. Because everyone supports it.

Now, after accessing Naver Map, enter the address and building name of the place you want to see in the search box at the top left.

This will highlight the area on the map. Now, select a satellite map from the general map, satellite map, and topographic map in the upper right corner.

Unlike Google Earth, the default setting is a general map. To view the satellite map, you must select the square box labeled Satellite map.

3. How to view real-time satellite photos and maps on Daum Map (Kakao Map)

View the next satellite map in real time (high definition map)
Finally, we will tell you how to view satellite photos and maps in real time on Daum Map (Kakao Map).

You can see that the method is almost the same as Naver Map. Daum Map is also a map service targeting Koreans, so it is almost the same as Naver.

If you search for Daum Map or Kakao Map on the portal site, you can access the homepage where you can use the map service.

Again, you can search for the address and location in the upper left corner.

And if you select Sky View from the map and sky view in the upper right corner, you can view satellite photos and maps in real time.

The default setting is map, and in the following map, the satellite map is called Sky View. Please note that both mean the same thing.

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4. How to download high-definition satellite maps
Let’s see how to download high-definition satellite map images.

We will explain how to download a satellite map through Naver Map, which is used by many people, so please refer to it.

Download high-definition satellite map images to your computer through screen capture
The first method is to capture the computer screen and save the image to the computer.

If you are using a Windows operating system, you can capture the screen through the capture tool or press the print screen key and save the image in Paint.

Let me explain in a bit more detail.

How to save satellite map through screen capture

Search for Snipping Tool in Windows Search
Run snipping tool
Click the New button
Drag the point on the map you want to capture with the mouse.
Select the desired image extension and save
How to download a satellite map using the print screen key

Press the print screen key on the keyboard. (If you press the key, the entire screen displayed on the monitor is copied.)
After running Paint, press the Paste key (Ctrl + v).
You can cut out the desired part of the image pasted on the paint board and save it.
Download high-definition satellite maps through the NAVER map save function
When you access Naver Map on your PC, there is an icon called Save on the right.

Select the icon to save the satellite imagery to your computer.

For reference, you need to press the save button while the satellite map mode is turned on.

Please note that this is the easiest method.

5. Summary of satellite map sites – places that people use a lot
Naver Map
Kakao Map (Daum Map)
google map
Map of National Geographic Information Institute
National space information portal map service
The services most people use to view satellite maps are Naver Map, Kakao Map, and Google Map. In addition, there are maps of the National Geographic Information Institute and map services of the National Spatial Information Portal, but most people use Naver, Kakao, and Google Maps.

Since these maps have many features, it would be better to use one of the three maps above if possible.

6. Where to find free satellite maps
Free Google Satellite Map – Google Earth
You can view satellite maps for free through Google Earth.

If you search for Google Earth on the portal site and access the site, you can easily find satellite maps and photos.

You can zoom in on the area you want to see in the shape of the globe.

High Definition Naver Satellite Map – Naver Map
Naver Map also provides a satellite map function.

After accessing the Naver Map homepage, search for the place you want.

If you search, Naver Map will show you the area right away.

If the area you want is correct, please select the button that says satellite in the upper right corner.

Real-time Daum Satellite Map – Kakao Map
In Kakao Map, satellite maps are called Skyview.

Like Naver Map, search for Kakao Map on the portal site.

If you have access to the Kakao Map site, you can enter the area you want to see on a satellite map in the search box.

You can also view the satellite map for free by clicking the button labeled Sky View in the upper right corner.

Free Satellite Map – Hogangnono
This is a site that many people use among real estate related sites.

After accessing the Hogangnono homepage, select the icon that says map on the right.

Then there will be maps, satellites, points, and distances. If you select a satellite from these, you can view the satellite map for free.

Free Satellite Map – Sky Map
Unlike other maps, the sky map defaults to a satellite map.

What this means is that if you access the sky map homepage, it will show you a satellite map right away.

The sky map, which usually shows a general plan view map, shows a satellite map.

Therefore, if you are not good at computers, using a sky map can be one way.

7. How to view Google Map Road View
google map search
Please connect to portal sites such as Google, Naver, and Daum and type Google Map in the search bar.

You will then see a link to the Google Maps home page.

Enter the desired location in the search bar
If you have access to the Google Maps homepage, please look at the top left corner.

In the upper left corner there is a search bar.

Please enter the address or name of the region you want to see in the search box.

Select Google Map Road View icon (Street View image search)
If you’ve done a search, Google Maps will show you the area right away.

Now, you need to switch from the general map to the road view that shows the actual appearance.

If you look at the bottom right corner, you will see an icon that resembles a yellow person.

This is the icon that converts the map into a road view.

Please click this yellow icon.

Select the place you want to see with road view
If you click the yellow icon, you can see that there are light blue lines on the map.

the blue lines

This is a road view photo shoot where the car traveled across the country.

In other words, you can think of it as taking pictures of the whole country along the lines marked in light blue.

Now, just select the location where the sky line is displayed. Then you can see the road view of the area.

8. How to enlarge the satellite map
How to zoom in on Naver satellite map
To zoom in on the Naver satellite map, you need to access the Naver Map homepage.

If you want to view it on a mobile device, please download the Naver Map app or search for Naver Map in your web browser to access the homepage.

How to zoom in on Naver satellite map on PC
If you are using a PC, if you look at the bottom right of Naver Map, you can see that there are plus and minus widgets.

Click the plus to zoom in on the map, and click the minus to zoom out.

You can zoom in on the map like this, or if you find it cumbersome, try turning the mouse wheel.

Rolling the mouse wheel up will zoom in on the map, rolling it down will zoom out.

How to zoom in on Naver satellite map on mobile
For those of you who use Naver Satellite Map on mobile, let’s take a look at how to zoom in on the map.

First of all, please access the Naver Map homepage with the Naver Map app or mobile web browser.

Mobile makes zooming in and out simpler.

Hold the smartphone screen with your index finger and thumb, and if you want to zoom, spread your fingers apart while keeping them attached to the screen.

If you want to zoom out, just put your fingers together.

You can think of it as the same way we zoom in and out when we take a picture with a camera.

9. How to view satellite maps and cadastral maps
Naver Map How to read cadastral map (satellite map)
When you access Naver Map, there are general map, satellite map, and topographic map in the upper right corner.

Please select a satellite map from these.

And if you look below it, there is an icon that says intellectual editing.

If you click the icon, you can see that the map changes to a cadastral map form.

How to read google map cadastral map (satellite map)
I understand that Google Maps can view satellite maps, but does not support cadastral maps separately.

There may be a method I don’t know about, but personally, I think it’s convenient to use Naver Map or Daum Map for intellectual maps.

Daum Map How to read cadastral maps (satellite maps)
Please connect to Daum Map (Kakao Map).

If you have access to the following map, there will be an icon that says Sky View in the upper right corner.

If you select the icon, the map is changed to a satellite map.

And if you look next to it, there will be a square icon called Layer.

If you click the layer icon, you can see various options such as traffic information, CCTV, accident and construction, bicycle, topographical map, cadastral editing map, statutory boundary, administrative boundary, and atmospheric setting.

If you click Cadastral Editing among them, you can see that the satellite map is changed to the cadastral map shape.

10. Conclusion
Today, we looked at how to view satellite maps and photos in real time on Google Earth, Naver Map, and Daum Maps. Since the method is almost the same, if you know how to use one of the three, you will be able to easily see the satellite view on other maps.

You can use any of the three methods, so please choose the method that is most convenient for you to use.