국민카드 해지 Termination of Kookmin Card

How to cancel Kookmin Card, get rid of unnecessary cards

Find out how to cancel your Kookmin Card. If you have unnecessary credit or debit cards that you do not use, it is a good idea to get rid of them. Because it is not managed, it is difficult to notice quickly even if others use it when it is lost, and it may be used for crime. Also, it is much more beneficial in terms of benefits to organize all other bank cards to collect card performance. Banks do not provide easy-to-use guides on how to cancel a card when a customer withdraws, but it is easy to cancel using a computer or smartphone. What I will introduce is how to cancel the Kookmin Card.


Even if you cut a card with scissors, it remains in the computer, so read this article and get rid of all unnecessary cards. In addition, there are amounts and points accumulated on cards that are not used unexpectedly, so you must check it, and when canceling, these amounts can be transferred to the current card. 국민카드 해지 

국민카드 해지


Find out how to cancel Kookmin Card on a computer
For the Kookmin Card cancellation method, both the computer and the smartphone application require an official certificate log-in, so be prepared. 좋은뉴스 




On the KB Kookmin Card website, click the My KB tab and go to Change Information > Card Management.



All Kookmin Cards created under your name will appear. Select the card you want to cancel, check it, and click Cancel Card.

If the card has not been used for a long time, it will be impossible to use it because the expiration date has passed or the transaction has been suspended. I also had a transaction suspension card that I couldn’t use, so I canceled it to dispose of it neatly.



Points and mileage on the card to be canceled are displayed. If you have any money, it is better to transfer it to another Kookmin card you are using, exchange it for cash, or purchase the item at the place of use first. For how to use the points, read the articles I wrote a while ago below. Since I was 0 won, I proceeded with the cancellation.


How to use Kookmin Bank Pointry (where to use and cash exchange)

How to use Kookmin Card points, convert to cash



Please check the reason for cancellation and move on. I wrote it as an unused card in the special note column.



After agreeing to the terms and conditions, click cancel. Please read the following precautions before proceeding.


Kookmin Card cancellation method Precautions
1. You cannot apply for issuance of a KB Kookmin Credit Card on the day you canceled all of your KB Kookmin Credit Cards, so you must apply the day after cancellation.
2. Upon cancellation of the card, unused points will automatically expire after 60 months from the month of accumulation. If you wish to use them, you can use them after issuing a new card. (If you have another Kookmin Card, you can transfer points)
3. Even if you cancel the card after paying the full amount of the card, you may be charged later if there is a history of non-purchase of tickets such as transportation payment and overseas use.
4. If you cancel your registration card for automatic payment, such as insurance premiums or communication charges, please change the payment method through the relevant institution.
5. If a family card is included, the family card is also canceled.
Once the cancellation is complete, you can discard the card as you wish.

Find out how to cancel your Kookmin Card with the smartphone app
The Kookmin Card cancellation method is used in the KB Card application, so if you do not have it, you must download it first.


After logging in with the public certificate in the KB Card application, go to the More tab on the right.



Go down the My KB category and click Card Management > My Card Search.



After finding the card you want to cancel, go to Cancel Card in the upper left corner.



As with computers, if you have points, you can transfer them to another card or use them. Please refer to the attached article in the computer method. Check the reason for cancellation and click the cancellation button below.


How to find an account number, even if you do not have a bankbook


Lastly, the information you should be aware of is that even if you use the Kookmin Card cancellation method, customer information is kept for a certain period of time in accordance with related laws and internal guidelines. If you contact the KB Kookmin Card Call Center (1588-1688), you can quickly resolve any delays in transaction processing and receive answers to your questions.