혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급 Internet issuance of marriage certificate

Follow the instructions for issuing a marriage certificate online Recently, my wife was receiving baptismal education at a church, and I was guided to come get a marriage certificate issued to me and my wife. Actually, I haven’t been married for a long time, and I haven’t had a marriage certificate issued before. 혼인관계증명서 인터넷 … Read more

애플 교육할인 스토어 인증 Apple Education Discount Store Certification

On January 18, 2023, Apple’s 2023 Apple Education Discount began with the introduction of the new MacBook Pro and Mac mini to Apple. This year started late, so I was wondering why it was late, but it turned out that Apple’s education discount started with the release of the new Mac. Let’s find out the … Read more

국선변호사 선임 Appointment of public defender

Public defender fees are said to be free because the courts belong to the country where the salary of public defenders is provided. It is advantageous to consult with the help of government-sponsored lawyers without worrying about the duration or difficulty of handling the case. 1. What is the public defender system? Public defender-Explanation of … Read more

공증 비용 notary fee

There is a saying that the closer you are, the better not to do money transactions.   Even close friends can be in trouble if a dispute arises later if the money transaction is carried out only verbally. 공증 비용   So today, I’m going to tell you about how to write an IOU and … Read more

자급제폰 개통방법 How to open a self-sufficient phone

These days, self-sufficient phones are getting a lot of attention in Korea along with budget phone plans. It seems that as more people value practicality and rationality, more people question expensive smartphone plans. In particular, consumers are increasingly dissatisfied with major smartphone manufacturers as they raise the price of their handsets every time they release … Read more

교원웰스 정수기 고객센터 Kyowon Wells Water Purifier Customer Center

Kyowon Wells Water Purifier Customer Center Make a call using a smartphone Recently, it is very common to see water purifiers used at home or in the office. It is much more convenient than buying bottled water at the store or boiling water. Buying bottled water is cheaper, but since you have to buy in … Read more