전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

Even if you just look at the word transfer generation history, you are talking about a statement that reads the household you are moving into. The moving-in household reference sheet is a document that contains the name of the householder who has moved into the property, the date of moving in, and the details of … Read more

건설기초안전교육 비용 Construction basic safety education cost

Construction industry basic safety and health education completion method and cost – [Easy and simple summary] To work as a day laborer at a construction site even for a day, you need the necessary qualifications. That is what you need to have <Certificate of Completion of Basic Safety and Health Education in the Construction Industry>. … Read more

새마을금고 보험 고객센터 Saemaul Geumgo Insurance Customer Center

MG Insurance or Saemaul Geumgo Insurance customer center phone number, ARS, and information on usage will be provided. You can access the homepage, select the [Consumer Square] menu at the top of the main screen, and select the [Customer Call Center] item in the [Customer Consultation Center] area to check more details. ▶ Customer call … Read more

내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것 What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

Let’s find out how to lecture online what you can learn with the National Tomorrow Learning Card. As the pandemic situation arose in Corona, many people lost their jobs or tried to choose other jobs. However, if you want to change the job that suits your job, you need to invest accordingly, but many people … Read more

KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

Nowadays, there are many simple payment services, so there may be more than one or two simple payment services that each individual uses when paying by mobile. NHN KCP is also one of the most popular electronic payment services for online or mobile payments. When you want to check your kcp payment history, you can … Read more