경력증명서 발급 Issuance of career certificate

How to issue a career certificate quickly (ft. online)

경력증명서 발급
It would be nice if I could get the document I want at any time, but there are cases where it is not possible depending on the situation. But if you can’t submit the necessary documents, you won’t be able to proceed with the work you want, so in many cases you spend time separately. Today, we will learn how to issue a career certificate.

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Why is a career certificate issuance method necessary?
First of all, if you need a career certificate, it is often requested to find out what kind of work you have done and how much you have done at the previous company when you have moved to another company.

How to issue career certificate
How to issue career certificate
It is a document requested from the company that resigned from there, and the applicant’s position, service period, company name, etc. should be recorded there.

See how to issue a career certificate
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There are generally two ways to issue and submit the document. We would like to explain to you so that you can proceed in the most convenient way for you.

Ask the retired company
At a company you’ve already quit, there’s a simple way to make a request to your department, such as Human Resources. You can visit the company and ask for it, but if possible, you can request it by fax or e-mail to the place you want, but in most cases, you go and receive it in person.
If there is no department in charge in the company, there is a way to find and fill out the career certificate form and visit to get it stamped.
Internet issuance method (if it is difficult to request to the company you retired from)

After entering the National Health Insurance homepage and logging in, you can issue a certificate of qualification and loss to replace your career certificate.
You can also go to the website of the National Pension Service, log in, and then extract and submit a certificate of subscription to Certificate Issuance in Personal Services.
There is also a way to go to the Government 24 website and enter the national pension subscription details to issue it.
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So far, we have looked at how to issue a career certificate. Depending on the company requesting the document, documents issued by the 4 major insurance sites may not be accepted, so please check carefully and proceed with the necessary method before submitting.