네이버 한자 필기입력기 Naver Chinese character handwriting input device

How to use Naver Chinese character input device


네이버 한자 필기입력기

How to use Naver Chinese character input device

welcome. This time, we will guide you on how to search for Chinese characters. Nowadays, as Chinese characters are not used as much, there are more people who do not know Chinese characters well. I also don’t know Chinese characters very well. This time, we will guide you on how to easily draw and find Chinese characters.

Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
A Chinese character dictionary is provided on the portal site. It can be very useful when looking up the meaning of Chinese characters. Well then, let me explain right away.

Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
Those who visit first should also go to the homepage as shown at the top. 네이버 한자 필기입력기

If you search for ‘Naver Chinese Character Dictionary’ in the Naver search bar, the homepage will appear immediately. 좋은뉴스

Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
If you click on it, the program will be run in this way. If you look on the right here, you will see the ‘Handwriting Recognizer & Shape Finder’ menu. You can find Chinese characters through this menu.

Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
The first method is to find Chinese characters using a handwriting recognizer. If you just draw a Chinese character in this way, all similar Chinese characters will appear. All Chinese characters similar to the entered handwriting will appear.

Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
It is also possible to find shapes. You can also find Chinese character shapes according to the number of strokes. Sometimes, when you don’t know what a letter is, you can use Naver’s Chinese character dictionary. I hope that your questions have been resolved and I will leave.