신호위반 과태료 벌금 Fine for violation of traffic signal

How much is the fine and penalty points for violating a red light??
red light violation

신호위반 과태료 벌금

Not only does running a red light cause a traffic accident, but it also falls under the 11th category of gross negligence, so if an accident occurs, you can be subject to criminal punishment even if you reach an agreement.


According to the enforcement rules of the Road Traffic Act, if there is a stop line or crosswalk when the traffic light is yellow, the vehicle must stop immediately before or before the intersection. However, it is true that many people speed up when the light is yellow in order to go a little faster. 신호위반 과태료 벌금


Today, we will find out how much fines and penalties are imposed when a red light is violated, and what the demerit points are. LOTUSSERENITY


Red light violation | Penalties (fines) and penalty points

Traffic law fines are applied differently depending on vehicle type and road area, and higher fines are imposed for traffic violations in child protection zones.


Penalties are levied directly on violators by police officers at the scene of violation of traffic laws, and demerit points may be imposed because the violator can be directly identified. Although the amount is cheaper than a fine, the imposition of demerit points can be more burdensome to the driver.


If a van is caught directly by a police officer for violating a traffic signal, a fine of 70,000 won and 15 demerit points will be imposed on a general road, and a fine of 130,000 won and 30 demerit points will be imposed in a protected area.




Red light violation | fine

Like fines, fines are applied differently depending on the vehicle type and road area, and although there are no demerit points, the amount is higher than the fine.


The fine is imposed on the vehicle owner because the driver who violated the traffic signal cannot be identified as the vehicle is detected by unmanned enforcement equipment rather than by a police officer on the spot.


Although it is more expensive than a fine, it is preferable to drivers because no penalty points are imposed. If you do not pay the fine, you may be subject to disadvantages such as having your vehicle impounded or your license plate removed.


Yellow light is a stop sign

You should keep in mind that a yellow light is not a signal to go fast, but a signal to stop.


In general, yellow lights come on for 3 seconds in many places, and at wide intersections, they come on for 4 to 5 seconds. If the yellow light changes to yellow about 30 meters before the intersection where the yellow light comes on for 3 seconds, you will travel about 16.7 meters per second when traveling at 60 km/h. Therefore, the light changes to red about 1 second after passing the stop line at the intersection.



If cars starting from the other side receive a signal and start slowly, they can barely pass through the intersection. However, assuming that the width of the intersection is about 40m, cars on the other side may make an anticipatory start before their signal comes on, or they may violate the stop line and move forward. If you start while standing, it could lead to an accident in the middle of the intersection.


There are even cases where the light turns yellow in the distance, but you accelerate to get out without trying to stop, and when you reach the stop line, the light changes to red, so you try to brake late, but you are unable to stop due to the speed at which you are driving, and you enter the intersection.


In this case, it would be fortunate if the cars on the other side stopped despite the traffic light, but if they only saw the traffic light and started, it could lead to a major accident.