잠잘때 머리방향 head direction when sleeping

head direction when sleeping
Head direction when sleeping (ft. Lee, feng shui, toilet, Galaxy built-in compass) – Head direction when sleeping

1. What does the east, west, south, and north mean? 잠잘때 머리방향

East: Wealth and honor


South: Longevity 좋은뉴스

잠잘때 머리방향

west: poverty


North: short-lived


Dongdusaengbrain (East makes the brain lively)

Haste debauchery (the west debilitates the body)

Namdu Gangsin (the south makes the body healthy)

Bukdu Danmyeong (North shortens Myeong)



There is a myth.


2. Reasonable?

When Shakyamuni died, his head was placed to the north.

The direction is said to be looking west.

Head direction when sleeping (ft. Reason, feng shui, toilet, Galaxy built-in compass) – Head direction when sleeping – 2. Reasonable reason?
Also, when we bury the dead in our country,

It is said that he was buried with his head facing north.



The most important reason is below.


3. The direction of the sun

Korea is located in the northern hemisphere, so the sun sets from southeast to southwest during the day.

This coincides with the reason why people look for a south-facing house when looking for a house.


If the windows of the house are located on the east side, the sun only comes in until 12:00 noon.

If the window is on the west side, there is no sun in the early morning.


On the other hand, if the window is located in the south, the sun will be there from sunrise to sunset.


This means that the sun does not set from complete east to complete west.

southeast -> southwest

Because it turns around along the south side.

Head direction when sleeping (ft. Lee, feng shui, toilet, Galaxy built-in compass) – Head direction when sleeping – 3. Sun direction
For this reason, the sun always shines

South and East are considered auspicious directions.


On the other hand, in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Australia,

The sun moves northeast -> northwest

Rather, north is the auspicious direction.


4. So the conclusion!?

The conclusion is to keep your head to the east or south where the sun goes

The southeast side, which satisfies everyone, is the best.


5. Don’t head towards the bathroom?
Head direction when sleeping (ft. Reason, feng shui, toilet, Galaxy built-in compass) – Head direction when sleeping – 5. Don’t put your head in the direction of the bathroom?
In the case of the bathroom, water flows according to feng shui.

It is recommended not to put your head towards the toilet because the yin energy is strong.